Saturday, June 4, 2011

Native Plant Area

4 hours
Tuesday, May 31

Adam and I pruned around the native plant garden and picked out invasive plants.  We also mulched some more, and made a day of weeding around the native plant area.  Here are some photos of a very small part of our progress:


1.5 hours
Sunday, May 29

Adam and I went down to the beach to sweep for trash, and found a lot of it.  I usually think of Garbage Beach as a pretty clean beach, but we found a surprising amount of debris.  It's a little cleaner now, though.

Cleaning up

2 hours
Friday, May 27

Adam and I first weeded the native plant area, and then decided to pick up trash all around the park.  We picked up more than I had expected to pick up, probably preventing trash from washing over the cliffs into the ocean.


1.5 hours
Thursday, May 26

Adam and I spread a lot of mulch on the ground, planted a barrel cactus, and gave the new plants some much-needed water.  We also attacked the non-native daisies growing at the edge of the native plant area (the good-old fashioned way--pulling them up by hand).